The Boys' Brigade

The Boys' Brigade (10th Ealing Company) helps Boys to develop as individuals and as members of a team within a fun, exciting and challenging Christian environment.

Activities are tailored to each age-group and include sports, games, crafts, badgework, camping, music and competitions.

Our leaders often come up through the ranks but men and women of Christian character are welcome to volunteer their services.

We meet every Friday during term-time:

Anchor Boys (6-8 years) 6:30-7:45pm

Junior Section (9-11 years) 6:30-7:45pm

Company Section (12-14 years) 7:45-10pm

Senior Section (15-18 years) 7:45-10pm

To find out more about joining the 10th Ealing Company click here

To link to the 10th Ealing BB website click here

To link to the 10th Ealing BB Facebook page click here

To link to the 10th Ealing BB YouTube page click here

To find out fuller details of what the 10th Eailing Company does click here

To find out more about The Boys' Brigade generally click here

Summer Camp 2019 in Swanage

West London Football Champions in three age groups





Contact request - Boys Brigade

An enquiry form to request more details about 10th Ealing Company of the Boys Brigade

Fuller Details of the 10th Ealing part 1

Fuller Details of the 10th Ealing

Fuller Details of the 10th Ealing part 2

continued - Fuller Details of the 10th Ealing

The Boys Brigade - When it Started

When it started - 16 September 1965

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